LOLOL Meaning In Text

“LOLOL” stands for “Laugh Out Loud Out Loud.”

What does LOLOL mean?

Abbreviation “LOLOL” stands for “Laugh Out Loud Out Loud,” usually when someone says LOLOL it’s when they want to emphasize that something is really funny.

This abbreviation is considered safe for children to use. But is considered work appropriate, but may need to be evaluated due to its informal language.

Abbreviation Meaning Emotion
LOLOL Laugh Out Loud Out Loud Laughing
Safe for work Safe for children
Yes Yes
Snapchat meaning Instagram meaning
Laugh Out Loud Out Loud Laugh Out Loud Out Loud
Year it began trending Primary community
2017 Text messaging and social media.

Examples and other meanings

  • “LOLOL that’s so funny!”
    • Emotion: Excitement
    • Intention: In this example, the person is suggesting that something is really funny and showing they’re slightly excited by it.
  • “Wow, so dumb. LOLOL!”
    • Emotion: Annoyed
    • Intention: A great example of how the abbreviation can also get used to express some annoyance, like an eye roll.

Popularity over time